Wednesday 26 March 2008

New definition of success for me

I have just been reading about John Wooden, THE most successful basketball coach of all times and one of his maxims struck me in the context of weight loss. His website is fascinating.

John Wooden did not discuss winning or losing with his players because he thought that that was a byproduct of preparation. He focused on the process of making his players into the best team they were capable of becoming.

His definition of success is not how much you have achieved, accumulated or how powerful you have become. He believes that success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable.

As I have started concentrating on daily exercise and action towards becoming a super fit person this is making a lot of sense. I focus on that daily action rather than a weight goal which I may or may not be able to achieve. It is about being present, in the now. Think about anything you are frustrated about not being able to achieve. It is highly likely that you are frustrated because you are more attracted by the idea of achieving than the idea of what you have to do to achieve it. So it is about falling in love with what needs doing?

Just saying it out loud is interesting: Success is a byproduct! It takes away the significance from that moment when you finally hit that goal, that moment when you make it, reach the top, are a success.

Success is a byproduct will become my daily mantra. Peace of mind and relaxing about weight would mean so much more than hitting htat goal.

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