Sunday 30 March 2008

Below 3000 (No, not pounds!)


Today I celebrate moving out of the 3000's. I probably will be biking most of my way to 3650 and my bum which has never known to be flabby is going to be granite by the end of it!

Continuing on from my last post I have been trying to relax and let go of that picture of myself I think I ought to be. I have been hanging on to that for dear life and admittedly been rather tense and intense about. So I have been trying to wrap it into a glittering bubble and let it fly off into the distance. How does one know one has let it go? I can visualise it going but how do I KNOW it is gone? Bet with you there is no definite answer to that so I let that question go too.

Concentrating not on what I could or should do, but what I actually am doing is certainly an improvement. It helps me think more clearly and be honest with myself.

Bouncily yours........

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