Monday, 6 April 2009

1001 actions

We walked 500 miles from Bavaria to London – our two year anniversary of the start of this journey is coming up at the end of this month. We did not walk 500 miles, actually we walked one mile 500 times. I power phrased this from something I read by Stu Mittleman who set a world record for the 1,000-mile endurance run. He said:

"I never ran 1,000 miles! I can't even conceive of running 1,000 miles. All I did was run one mile a thousand times.

He also said:

"If you just keep moving, sooner or later the finish line will show up."

After our epic walk (well it was epic to us – I am not comparing us to anybody else, which is another good lesson!) I wrote:

But back to the question of what will I do with this experience; when I was younger I never let myself be stopped by any kind of barrier or hurdle. I was so good at the 'head down and go through anything' thing. The walk showed me that I have not lost it and on top of that I have got fantastic support in G to do ANYTHING (he is very indulgent!)

I do not think I have cashed in on that potential yet. Now that my health and hormones (if you are out there, I deserve a permanent break on the latter) are back to good levels I feel like going for it again in a more orderly fashion. Really am enjoying the recording of my actions towards my health goal (which I am very close to be able to verbalise) and will use this in other parts of my life too.
It is so easy to forget the ups and downs of any journey. But this record will always remind me and I can recommend the practise highly!

Being really really good at something needs practise and time. This is true for most people on most subjects – if you are lucky and are a genius in one area of your life, good for you! But you still got to work on the rest like everybody else. And yes, sometimes there are quick fixes but most of the time there aren't any. Sorry if I am destroying a whole industry of 'in three minutes..... in a week' success books, videos, got the T-shirt.

I am just asking myself the question, how many hours do I need to invest to be fit, flexible and healthy on my 50th birthday? How many to be the same on my 70th birthday? This is where my health goal seems to be gravitating to. I want to be a fit bendy chick growing old with fun and grace – wow; this is really resonating with me so much more than losing 40 pounds, going all tingly over it actually. Sometimes it is good to write out loud!



1001 actions

64. First real organic salad dinner of the year accompanied by my hand made bread. Yummy!

65. Talking about bread, I worked out how to have it in the house and live with it like a normal person who does not have a fresh bread fetish. I make the dough, divide it into rolls and freeze them. When I want one I need to bake it. I really need to want one to do throw the oven on.

66. Thanks G ;) it is like falling of a horse, one has got to get back into the saddle. What took me so long????

67. Put some seeds into trays. I adore growing plants – there is something very Zen about looking after growing plants.

68. Did a lot of EFT tapping around my questionable body image

69. Slept through twice in a row – no pain when I am horizontal. Hurrah!!

70. Got my health goal / vision in my head and heart

71. First work out on my own – LOVED it. Another back in the saddle and I was kind to myself and took it easy

72. Acupuncture session

73. I have got that loooooving feeling – delicious!





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