Friday, 3 April 2009


Standing up in life and being counted without crutches – is it possible? I gave up my career crutch over 12 years ago and whilst I am still limping slightly I have discovered the most wonderful rich personal life. I visualised it about 14 years ago and it came true nearly exactly the way I had visualised it. What I refer to as my limp is my still not particularly successful role as an entrepreneur and money earner – but I rather have a wonderful personal life than a glittering career rise as an entrepreneur. Perhaps one day I find a way of having both without the pitfalls I had experienced before I handed in my notice.

I gave up my smoking crutch about 8 years ago. Smoking fulfilled all sorts of imaginary needs which then where feeling very real to me but today I no longer can relate to. Nearly four months ago I gave up my drinking crutch. As it is not so long ago, I can remember that I had a need for a glass or five to help me relax better in the evening and I have also always connected having a drink with having a good time. Where I stand now, I find it quite easy to relax in the evening without alcohol. I am not very keen anymore on alcohol fogging my brain and clouding my thought processes. What I am still missing though is the way alcohol made me feel less inhibited – I really want to work on that. As you might imagine, there are some pretty strong beliefs connected to that subject. Acting uninhibited sober – involuntary shudders are running down my spine just thinking it!!!

And there are a couple of other crutches I have my eye on – watching television and the amount of time I spend on my computer for example. Food is also still on the agenda, whilst I have done a lot of work in that area, I discovered another couple of 'issues' concerning the connection of my emotions with certain types of foods. But one day at a time, I have not been doing badly!


What are your crutches?


1001 actions (I know, just could not resist! I love the story of 1001 nights)

I tried to twitter my actions but that threw me out of the rhythm of writing them down – perhaps I got all shy about it. Have to catch up; there are lots I will have missed. So in no particular order:


56. Went for the first in a series of acupuncture treatments (based on Chinese five elements) and I made it through the session. Let's just say that there were two needles which had to be placed in very, very sensitive spots..................

57. Went for a great mixed media art weekend and had fun

58. Re-defined my creative mojo after watching this TED video – I have no problem with the idea of creative fairies in my life

59. Did a very careful workout with my trainer

60. Sat in the garden and sunned myself today. Not a child, lawn mower or the neighbours yapping dogs disturbed the sound of birds and spring

61. Created a new body image affirmation and working myself through they 'Yeah – buts' with EFT

62. G and I did my favourite forest walk on Wednesday

63. Been keeping up with my daily dose of herbs

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