Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Gotta be happy without it first

I maintained that about having that special person in your life. First you need to be happy and comfortable living with yourself, by yourself. And THEN you go out and find that dream boy or girl. Their job is not to complete you and fulfil your needs, their role is to complement and enhance what you have already got. So many people do it the other way round and if the person does not perfectly fit, they set about trying to change them. That never works out very well! So I am good at that significant other thing, always had one when I wanted one and was content on my own too. Eventually I bagged myself a really special one for keeps. Lucky me.


Figures that I would use the same tried, tested and proven successful methodology for that very special relationship with myself.............. *silence*............................................. *embarrassed shifting from foot to foot*.................................................................


Obviously I can not live without myself; that would be just plain stupid. But this 'trying to change myself' thing has probably always been a bit out of hand. Nothing wrong with self improvement, in fact I would not want to live without seeking knowledge, insights and new perspectives. But I have never been good at being happy with myself as is. I have always thought I should do better and never lived up to my own exceedingly high expectations. Nothing wrong with trying to achieve high targets or mastering difficult subjects either. Beating me up over the invariably existing gap is silly though. In fact, I know that I am somebody who thrives on praise and encouragement. I have a lot of natural drive and am definitely a carrot girl. If somebody uses the stick method on me, they simply will not get my best. In response, I just make myself smaller and smaller and that destroys my spirit and sucks the enthusiasm out of me. So why do I like most people think that I have to be hard on myself to get better?


I have improved a lot and have sort of come to terms with the fact that I will never be perfect. These things all help me to raise my awareness:

  • Being grateful for everything in my life
  • Simply deciding to be happy
  • Forgiving
  • EFT
  • Exercise
  • 'No complaining' project



1001 Actions


74. Tapping every day – and need to get back to the eye improvement project too

75. Juiced on Sunday

76. Made crackers from the juice pulp (delicious!!)

77. A gentle work out with my trainer

78. Giggled with my friends

79. Hurrah – I think I have finally got an exfoliating routine going

80. 3 km treadmill hilly walk

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I work for http://www.aolhealth.com/. We are doing a story on people who are using Twitter to track their weight loss, dieting and/or maintenance as well as swap advice with other twitterers and saw that you're doing just that, and decided to follow you (Twitter name: Health Pop). Would you be interested in sharing your story and best tip (in tweet-form, of course)?