Friday 13 March 2009

No complaining

I made it for one day without complaining – mainly because I did not talk to many people and did not leave the house. I am telling you that this is pretty hard! G and I are constantly questioning each other about what we say – is it a statement to say the weather is crap or is it a complaint? I think the idea is not to concentrate on /talk about the things which we have no power to change. So whilst stating that the weather is crap is factual it also is not very helpful as a stand alone statement. So what? ....... All it is going to lead to is a whinge about the weather.

G has got not much to do at work at the moment – he is between projects. Given that he gets paid pretty well for doing nothing there should not be anything to complaint but it is, but there is. Just earning money is not enough when you go up Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Or look at me, I am in a very very very lucky position where I do not HAVE to earn any money and can stay at home. I feel very privileged but certainly do not act like it in my head and enjoy it for what it is.

There are so many people in this world that do not have their basic physiological and safety needs met – THAT is a reason to complaint but I suspect most of them do not.

Feeling very sorry for myself because I have pulled a muscle in my back in Tuesday's training session and aggravated it in yesterday's session, today I find it hard to move so I ate the rest of the cookies whilst feeling sorry for myself. There, I said it! I am resetting my no complaining week starting from tomorrow morning because I suspect I will still feel all whiny tonight

I suspect it will take me some time to complete that week of no complaining. The trick to succeed is very likely to be a change of perspective.

1000 Actions


38. EFT improving eye-sight experiment wk 3 day 1 (week two exercises did not speak to me)

39. Work out hard with my trainer

40. I left physiotherapist with both shoulders strapped in tape to show me what 'the right posture' feels like

41. Had a giggle with one of my sisters. They are both amazing and I am grateful for being close to them


42. I always mix any juice with water at a ratio of 1 part juice, 2 parts water

43. I wrote my first review on Amazon and I just saw that it got published


Ellesmiles said...

You didnt!!! I was SO raved up about the cookie experiment and then, you've gone and done it....

Well, here's to the not complaining working out...

Dont let me down, I'm counting on you!!!

Ellesmiles said...

You didnt!!! I was SO raved up about the cookie experiment and then, you've gone and done it....

Well, here's to the not complaining working out...

Dont let me down, I'm counting on you!!!