Thursday 19 March 2009

Doing nothing

All or nothing girl was forced to do nothing by a muscle she tore on her lower rib cage. It started out not so bad, perhaps a bit of overuse by all the weight exercises but then a side plank gave it the rest and the muscle decided it had had it. It got progressively worse to the point when only laying flat in bed was without pain. Even the strongest pain killers would not touch the spasms in my muscle and getting up was for a day or so simply not a pleasant option.

As I am writing this, I am of course much better again thanks to some anti-inflammatory drugs, *yikes* Tarmazipan (also known as Valium!!) which is used as a muscle relaxant in severe cases and my wonderful nurse G who had looked forward to a nice week off work but was instead having to watch me struggle to do the simplest movements, feed me, be my drug dealer and was just lovely and caring. I will have to take it much easier for a while with my training. This is kind of apt as I am wrestling with what moderation means to me. I am going to find out as doing nothing is not an option when I get a bit better


This whole episode seems symptomatic of how coiled up and rigid (I did not want to say uptight) I am. The physiotherapist I saw nearly fell over laughing when she checked out my posture in profile. My shoulders up to my ears, one higher than the other, they are pushed forward, my weak stomach muscles accentuate the whole thing because my bum is sticking out too much and I hollow my spine...... you get the picture. Whilst I was lying here unable to move much I was contemplating what it would be like if I would take life much easier and lighter without trying and pushing too hard, just having fun. Aided by valium that did not seem such a difficult thing to do – I am about to get my morning medication and will continue that train of thought.........


Mostly I am grateful for what has happened. It is the eye opener I perhaps needed and I kept reminding myself how many people can not get out of bed unaided. Not just for one day but for the rest of their lives. All I needed was a couple of tablets and a bit of time and I will be back to my old self. How lucky am I!

I did some actions for my 1000 action list, which I really enjoy recording and the goal has become a little clearer this week. When I can remember the actions I will record them

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