Wednesday 9 April 2008

All or nothing attitude

I.e. exercising three times in as many days like a maniac and then not do anything for three weeks or eating the whole baguette because eating half has spoiled that super ultra strict diet anyway...........................

Not me - nope. Can't say I recognise that attitude *cough* I can do shades of grey when it comes to me and my weight. Honest! I am learning.........................

One thing is for sure, I will never stay within my boundaries or keep doing the same routine religiously like some people I know who are brilliant at that moderately and regularly thing. That's just me and I like it. Mind you, I must have hopped on that bike nearly every day for weeks now. It seems my day is not complete if I have not done that.

'Motivation waxes and wanes with external forces, inspiration grows from deep within'

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