Wednesday 2 April 2008

About living in the present

By the frequency I am posting, it is obvious that I am enthused about my observations and the path I am on now. I feel full of energy again and Gary is on the up too - I think we both had a virus and are over it.

I have been eating really well, I have been doing a sweaty workout very regularly and I am much more relaxed about matters of weight. So even when there was another pound on the scales this morning I was philosophical. I may not be able to control my weight which may be thyroid related or have some other reason I am not aware of, but I have control over other things and I am finally concentrating on those.

The present is a gift

and I am asking myself these questions to help myself:
  • What would be most fun?
  • What would I love to do?
  • What can I play around with?
  • What is the smallest next step I can make?
and one question I have not used much in my life:
  • What would be easiest right now?
I think I used to live by an unwritten rule that said, if it is easy it ain't worth having - make it difficult and complicated and then put your all in to achieving it. Oh, and be stern with yourself if you do not! What I can not figure out at the moment is when I created that belief and why.

And looking back over the last10 years, all of the things that make my life wonderful today have come easily. I can not recall any of them being difficult, complicated and stressful. And even if my memory is selective they were 'projects' which involved my passion, my love and fulfilled my need to never stand still, be satisfied with my lot and shrivel up. Life is simply too precious to do that.

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