Tuesday 10 March 2009


We are back from G's birthday weekend surprise which I had so so much fun organising. Had him fooled all the way with plenty of red herrings (making up stories and sticking with them seems to come frighteningly easy to me J ) He had such a good time seeing one of the favourite people in his world and Phil was a star looking after us. If I get a picture of the sign Phil had made for our imaginary 'Tuff Guise' Highland Adventure Company I will post it here. It was our last red herring at Aberdeen airport and did its job brilliantly.


1000 Actions


18. Finally going on surprise trip, keeping G fooled for most of the day, having so much fun with it myself and seeing his joy. Presents do not have to be expensive, it is the thought that is put in that counts and creates memories which last (alright, I bought him a snazzy small video camera too)

19. Training with my trainer (she is trying to make my legs ache, other trainers have tried and failed where only the first weeks of our 500 miles have made any impression) and she bought into the burst training thing and is going to support me

20. Gotta put this down as an action because it makes such a difference to the flight – watched like a hawk the time for the online check- in to start and bagged us best seats in the house (well plane) TWICE

21. EFT Improving eye-sight experiment wk1 day 6 & eye exercises – I can feel some improvements sometimes



22. Walked on the beach in brilliant sunshine. The light in Scotland IS amazing and I would love to live close enough to a beach to do this often

23. Enjoyed the birthday dinner in a good restaurant, the high light was red cabbage finished with chocolate. Must try that myself - divine

24. Listen to G's & P's renditions of bad songs of the 70's and 80's all the way home from the restaurant and had a warm fuzzy glow



25. EFT Improving eye-sight experiment wk 2 day 1 & eye exercises

26. Phil gave me a copy of a most wonderful poem that spoke to me strongly

27. Am rather pleased with myself that drinking alcohol was not an option I was interested in all weekend



28. Loved coming back home and am so so grateful for our house. It is so quiet and light and works well for the two of us


09.03 Week 2

29. Went to doctor to find a way of removing whatever is blocking my weight loss, left with a prescription for a hormone and thyroid blood test and a pad on the back for what I have been doing

30. Went for my very first professional fitting for running shoes

31. Had blood test done

32. Started a little competition with G that we can not complain/whine/be ungenerous out loud for one week. If we are we have to start the week over. We started yesterday afternoon but had to restart several times already

1 comment:

Ellesmiles said...

odette! jammy fanstastically whammy. I so love the competition!!

what if you replace Whine with no wine, atleast theres only two left you need to focus on and i cant believe for a minute that either of you would be ungenerous. so, that leaves complain....well....on second thoughts....

so so happy to be in the picture again. thanks for google reader!