Tuesday 6 May 2008

It was yang time last week

I wisely put a proviso into my euphoric posts about how good I was feeling - where there is light, there must be shadow. And shortly after my last post the shadow time set in. There was no good reason for it and little I could do about it. I said to G that I was feeling disconnected. I also was very very tired which lets me to believe that it was thyroid related. I no longer get painful chest pressure when I am over active (thank god for small mercies) but I get tired and turn purple when I exert myself only a little. By Friday I was feeling so poorly that I went back to bed at noon and fell asleep immediately for three hours having had a good 9 hours the night before.

So I had some white wine on Sunday but that did not do the trick and I switched to red last night (all my scientific research leads more and more to the conclusion that red wine is a very good therapy indeed). I have not been drinking and the alcohol had quite an impact. This morning I am feeling much much better and am ready to prepare the mother of 'things which need doing' list. Actually me feeling really good again this morning more likely means is that my thyroid is in balance and I need to take another tablet to keep it that way.

Another note worthy point today is that one year ago we were already on day 8 of our walk from Bavaria to London and I love re-reading our diary. Without our notes and pictures it would not seem real and I would not believe that we managed to complete such a big challenge.

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